Table of Contents

NFT-collection Dragon Eggs

The first collection will be released on the Solana blockchain. The number of NFTs in the collection is 8008 dragon eggs. There is no royalty for the sale of tokens on the secondary market (set at 0%).

The collection has a utilitarian value. After the release of the game, token holders will have the right and the opportunity to grow dragons from eggs that will allow them to take an active part in the game.

From each egg, you can get a dragon of the genus and rarity that will be indicated in the traits of the NFT. Additionally, the dragon can get bonus stats (if they are specified in the egg traits).

At the time of egg minting, it is not known which NFT rarity will be minted, so by spending the same amount of SOL, you can get both an common dragon without additional points of stats, and a legendary dragon with additional stats.

Collection Links: Mint Page | Magic Eden

Mint Price of 170,000 MAGIO.


Each NFT in the collection has five traits:

The first three traits directly affect the dragon grown from the egg, the other two only affect the receipt of additional project tokens that can be exchanged for in–game gold or sold on the crypto exchange.

Illustration. Example of traits

Distribution of attributes

Each of the traits has its own distribution of attributes. The expected distribution of attributes is presented in the table below:

Traits Attributes Expected distribution Tokens per Week
Genus Purple Dragon 13.3% 730
Emerald Dragon 13.1% 740
Stone Dragon 13.0% 740
Fire Dragon 13.2% 730
Black Dragon 13.3% 730
Elemental Dragon 13.2% 730
Rainbow Dragon 10.2% 940
Mystical Dragon 10.3% 910
Rarity Common 26.8% 580
Rare 22.4% 690
Epical 19.8% 780
Mythic 16.5% 940
Legendary 14.6% 1060
Bonus Stat None 11.9% 0
Power 7.8% 760
Flair 7.8% 760
Speed 8.7% 690
Endurance 8.6% 690
Power and Speed 7.9% 750
Flair and Endurance 7.8% 750
Power and Endurance 7.6% 780
Flair and Speed 6.5% 920
Power x 2 5.4% 1110
Flair x 2 5.3% 1110
Speed x 2 7.5% 790
Endurance x 2 7.2% 820
Emblem None 82.3% 0
Contain 17.7% 10950
Slogan None 26.9% 0
A dragon egg… 15.4% 1010
You can’t make… 17.4% 890
Mighty dragon… 19.1% 810
First things… 21.2% 730

Minting Rounds

The minting of the NFT-collection Game of Mages: Dragon Eggs is supposed to take place in five rounds 1).

The minting dates are listed here - Minting Dates

Additional distribution of MAGIO tokens

Depending on the rarity of the combination of traits, holders of each NFT will be awarded a certain number of MAGIO tokens weekly (the exact number of tokens for each trait is indicated in the table above).

Accruals will be carried out for 42 weeks and start from 2023-10-06 (the last payment will be made 2024-07-19).

To receive additional accrual of MAGIO, you must connect your Solana address to which the NFT is stored in the member area.

If the NFT is minted later than the first token accruals, the missed tokens will not be credited.

We reserve the right to change the number of rounds, the distribution of NFT by rounds and the conditions of mint, based on the results of discussion with the community. Possible changes will be reflected on this page, and the community will also be notified via the official Twitter of the project.